Long Term Effects of Untreated Mental Illness

Deciding whether to get treatment for a medical issue isn’t always a luxury you want to extend. For instance, a tiny cut that barely draws blood doesn’t call for an ER visit. But antibiotic cream and band-aids won’t help everything. Mental health illnesses like depression are often attributed to a bad patch, temporary stress at …

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Fibroscan detecting silent liver diseases

Fibroscan: Detecting Silent Liver Diseases

Fibroscan is one of the most powerful tools in the management of liver disease. The fibroscan works by emitting a small pulse of energy. The waves move quickly through damaged or stiffer tissues in the liver. The speed is then calculated, and your healthcare provider can determine if further action is needed. The fibroscan results …

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The Price of Mental Health

One thing is for certain, the issues surrounding mental health are still as prevalent today as they will be tomorrow. Good health is about both physical and mental wellbeing. Mental health problems affect people in every country across the world, but they are often neglected and the people who experience these issues are hidden. 80% …

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Summertime and Kidney Care

Summertime and Kidney Care

Sunblock, towels, water, and sunglasses are some of the things to remember to bring along during those adventurous summertime outings. If you have kidney disease, keeping yourself safe, involves a little more. Your kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from your blood. Kidney disease compromises your ability to perform those essential functions. If you have kidney …

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Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness- Memory Screenings

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month and focuses on spreading awareness around what you can do to help end Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. There is no better time to take control of your brain health by learning more about dementia-related memory loss, and why you should get a memory screen. Memory Loss: When …

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6 Signs that Point to Low T

6 Signs that Point to Low T

The male sex hormone, testosterone, is a vital component in male sexual health and development. In addition, testosterone aids in the development of masculine features like facial and body hair, a deeper voice, and stronger muscles. Although testosterone levels naturally decrease with age, there is a point where you can have a deficiency, which can …

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COVID isn't the Only Pandemic! Is Your Liver at Risk?

COVID isn’t the Only Pandemic! Is Your Liver at Risk?

A pandemic a disease that is prevalent over an entire country or around the world. In early March, COVID-19 was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), but one could argue that there is another silent pandemic sweeping the nation, fatty liver disease. In fact, according to the NIH, between 30 and 40 percent of …

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The Truth About Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. It can be diagnosed as early as the age of 2, although some adults with milder symptoms live undiagnosed. Males are four times more likely to develop a form of autism than females. ASD is complex, and there is a lot of false information out there. …

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Normal Healthy Volunteers

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If you or someone you know is affected by MDD, upcoming clinical trials may be an option. Learn more today!

Bipolar Disorder

Living with Bipolar Disorder? A Clinical Trial May Be An Option. Learn more today!


If you or someone you know is diagnosed with Obesity, you may qualify for a clinical trial. Learn more about today.